25-26 May 2023 • Lisbon, Portugal
ISEG • Lisbon School of Economics & Management
New Quelhas Building - Auditorium 101
Every two years, Iberometrics gathers specialists in Iberian Economic History to present and discuss their research on Spanish, Portuguese or Iberian Quantitative Economic History, including the colonial period, as well as comparative studies that take the Portuguese and/or Spanish cases into consideration. The venue for the Congress alternates between Spain and Portugal.
Supported by
GHES is funded by
Scientific Committee
Elena Martinez Ruiz | Universidad de Alcalá
Isabel Bartolomé | Universidad de Sevilla
Leonor Freire Costa | Universidade de Lisboa
Organizing Committee
Pedro Neves | ISEG - Universidade de Lisboa
Rita Martins de Sousa | ISEG - Universidade de Lisboa
João Pereira dos Santos | ISEG - Universidade de Lisboa
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Rua do Quelhas, nº 6
1200-781 Lisboa
© 2022 Iberometrics